Friday, October 10, 2008

We're making terrorists faster than we can kill them!

The line above is what I thought when I read a recent mailer that came to me from one of the major political parties. They must think I am stupid if they would write what they did in this propaganda I received.

As a sworn and committed independent voter, I have made a concientious decision to vote with my own mind, not to let some group of lobbyists decide for whom I will vote. But this particular party, desperate for independent votes, must have targeted me as one who might not really be paying attention. They also must think that I can be swayed by an ignorant statement, rather than thinking for myself. Neither is true.

Basically, they wanted me to accept the idea that our government has kept us free from terrorism by their committing hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of American and foreign lives to a cause that noone in their right mind can accept as a just one-that endless war in Iraq.

On a side note, can someone explain this pro-life stance to me? It seems I keep hearing that pro-lifers believe that all life is precious, right? The little babies in the womb as well as strangers we never met, and I guess that would include innocent foreigners whose beliefs & ideals happen to differ from ours, right?! (Wait a minute, Mike, that sounds like some liberal propaganda!)

Back to the subject at hand. So these funny people (a major political party) sent me this mindless mailer which states that we have had terrorism all over the world, but none in the USA ever since 9-11-01! This may be too obvious that I should not explain it to you, but do they expect me to believe that our government should get credit for that? Oh my gosh, I am not that stupid. Are you?

I believe that the terrorists aren't nearly done with us. Their strikes on 9-11-01 still affect our economy and our quality of life today, over 7 years later. If and when they strike again, it will be on their terms, and where we least expect it, I am sure. And if there is any American who really believes that we "taught the terrorists a lesson" they are so wrong. American hatred is probably greater than ever before, as the world watches us lash out at a weak country in the middle east whose only fault was that they possessed oil that we want.

Has anybody besides me noticed that our economy is still crumbling in the aftermath of 9-11? It is! Think about this: The government used 9-11 as an excuse to bomb the heck out of an oil rich country, to benefit the interests of certain huge oil conglomerates and defense contractors. They drove the country into such great debt (unbelievable record dept, over $10 trillion now) that the dollar became incredibly weak against the world's currencies. As a latent result, as soon as the economy slowed a bit (a normal cycle), the stock market begins a huge nosedive and sent fear throughout America's population. Yes, all this as a result of 9-11 coupled with corporate greed, and our government leader's weaknesses. It just took 8 years to happen.

I am deeply troubled by all of this. I don't think that either of the candidates for President are excellent choices. But I do know that anyone who continues to think that senseless wars are helping us is a fool. I'll choose anyone who will stand up and say that this war is wrong, especially if he happens to also support the reduction of oil consumption as a better solution to our problem.

I can't wait till the elections are over. Then maybe we can begin to deal with building America's reputation as a care giver and peacemaker, rather than the world's bully.

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