According to the couple's lawyer, Mr. Dennis Moskal (on a contingency arrangement I presume) the Borings, who live at 1567 Oakridge Lane in Allegheny County by the way, paid a "considerable sum of money" (actually $163,000 it turns out in the public records) and they did so due to a "desire for privacy". Give me a break!
The lawyer acknowledges that the couple could have easily requested that the photos be removed (Google Maps provides a link for this), but they chose instead to sue the huge internet company because "isn't litigation the only way to change a big business' conduct with the public?". So, you see, the Borings and their attorney are conducting this lawsuit for the good of
society and for all the little people who might not be able to stand up for themselves, right?
Does this bother you? It appears to me to to be a scheme for some quick money, hatched by the Borings and/or their opportunistic attorney. The sad thing is that the losers in this scenario (if the Borings do "win" and score any dough) will be you and me, as internet map sites may not be able to show the detail that is becoming available with new technology. And the cost of doing business (and therefore the cost to consumers for items purchased) rises with every ridiculous lawsuit that companies have to defend. The Borings will be losers too, as they have obviously dragged their own name and self respect through the mud for this suit. Will the Borings feel that their damaged reputation, loss of privacy, and erased self esteem be worth the financial windfall (if any)?
I doubt it.
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